
Report generated on 14-May-2020 at 14:39:49 by pytest-html v2.0.1


Packages {'pytest': '5.3.5', 'py': '1.8.1', 'pluggy': '0.13.1'}
Platform Windows-10-10.0.18362-SP0
Plugins {'cov': '2.8.1', 'forked': '1.1.3', 'html': '2.0.1', 'metadata': '1.8.0', 'ordering': '0.6', 'rerunfailures': '9.0', 'xdist': '1.31.0', 'seleniumbase': '1.37.11'}
Python 3.8.2


47 tests ran in 179.42 seconds.

34 passed, 0 skipped, 13 failed, 0 errors, 0 expected failures, 0 unexpected passes, 0 rerun


Result Test Duration Links
Failed test/ 19.62
[gw2] win32 -- Python 3.8.2 d:\python\python.exe

self = <test.test_homepage.homepage_test testMethod=testAboutUs>

def testAboutUs(self):

# About Us
assert self.get_text(self.AboutUs_titleEles) == 'ABOUT US'

assert self.find_elements(self.AboutUs_titleEles)[1].text == 'WHAT WE DO'

imgHeight = self.get_attribute(self.AboutUs_imgEles, 'naturalHeight')
assert int(imgHeight) > 0

# Check Read more CTA link ABOUT US section
readmore0 = self.find_elements(self.AboutUs_readmoreEles)[0].get_attribute('href')
> assert self.checkLink(readmore0) == True, 'About Us link error'
E AssertionError: About Us link error
E assert False == True
E + where False = <bound method homepage_test.checkLink of <test.test_homepage.homepage_test testMethod=testAboutUs>>('')
E + where <bound method homepage_test.checkLink of <test.test_homepage.homepage_test testMethod=testAboutUs>> = <test.test_homepage.homepage_test testMethod=testAboutUs>.checkLink

test\ AssertionError
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------
Failed test/ 25.64
[gw4] win32 -- Python 3.8.2 d:\python\python.exe

self = <test.test_homepage.homepage_test testMethod=testBanner>

def testBanner(self):

# Banner
> self.assert_element(self.Banner_homeTitleEle)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ in assert_element
self.wait_for_element_visible(selector, by=by, timeout=timeout)
d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ in wait_for_element_visible
return page_actions.wait_for_element_visible(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

driver = < (session="74f7d0aeb5593bb6380ff45e0afbb5c0")>, selector = '.title-section', by = 'css selector', timeout = 6

def wait_for_element_visible(driver, selector, by=By.CSS_SELECTOR,
Searches for the specified element by the given selector. Returns the
element object if the element is present and visible on the page.
Raises an exception if the element does not appear in the
specified timeout.
driver - the webdriver object (required)
selector - the locator for identifying the page element (required)
by - the type of selector being used (Default: By.CSS_SELECTOR)
timeout - the time to wait for elements in seconds

A web element object
element = None
start_ms = time.time() * 1000.0
stop_ms = start_ms + (timeout * 1000.0)
for x in range(int(timeout * 10)):
element = driver.find_element(by=by, value=selector)
if element.is_displayed():
return element
element = None
raise Exception()
except Exception:
now_ms = time.time() * 1000.0
if now_ms >= stop_ms:
plural = "s"
if timeout == 1:
plural = ""
if not element and by != By.LINK_TEXT:
> raise ElementNotVisibleException(
"Element {%s} was not visible after %s second%s!" % (
selector, timeout, plural))
E selenium.common.exceptions.ElementNotVisibleException: Message: Element {.title-section} was not visible after 6 seconds!

d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ ElementNotVisibleException
Failed test/ 18.74
[gw2] win32 -- Python 3.8.2 d:\python\python.exe

self = <test.test_homepage.homepage_test testMethod=testHeader>

def testHeader(self):

# Header
> assert self.logoLink() == ''
E AssertionError: assert '' == ''
E -
E ? ^^^
E +
E ? ^^ +

test\ AssertionError
Failed test/ 24.98
[gw4] win32 -- Python 3.8.2 d:\python\python.exe

self = <test.test_homepage.homepage_test testMethod=testFooter>

def testFooter(self):

# Footer
> self.assert_element(self.Footer_downloadBlockEle)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ in assert_element
self.wait_for_element_visible(selector, by=by, timeout=timeout)
d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ in wait_for_element_visible
return page_actions.wait_for_element_visible(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

driver = < (session="edfc8f9844da4653609690d6e00fc54b")>, selector = '.footer-download-results', by = 'css selector', timeout = 6

def wait_for_element_visible(driver, selector, by=By.CSS_SELECTOR,
Searches for the specified element by the given selector. Returns the
element object if the element is present and visible on the page.
Raises an exception if the element does not appear in the
specified timeout.
driver - the webdriver object (required)
selector - the locator for identifying the page element (required)
by - the type of selector being used (Default: By.CSS_SELECTOR)
timeout - the time to wait for elements in seconds

A web element object
element = None
start_ms = time.time() * 1000.0
stop_ms = start_ms + (timeout * 1000.0)
for x in range(int(timeout * 10)):
element = driver.find_element(by=by, value=selector)
if element.is_displayed():
return element
element = None
raise Exception()
except Exception:
now_ms = time.time() * 1000.0
if now_ms >= stop_ms:
plural = "s"
if timeout == 1:
plural = ""
if not element and by != By.LINK_TEXT:
> raise ElementNotVisibleException(
"Element {%s} was not visible after %s second%s!" % (
selector, timeout, plural))
E selenium.common.exceptions.ElementNotVisibleException: Message: Element {.footer-download-results} was not visible after 6 seconds!

d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ ElementNotVisibleException
Failed test/ 18.89
[gw4] win32 -- Python 3.8.2 d:\python\python.exe

self = <test.test_investorpage.investorPage_test testMethod=testAnncTab_basic>

> ???

D:\Auto Projects\BWE\BWEScripts_v2\test\
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ in assert_element
self.wait_for_element_visible(selector, by=by, timeout=timeout)
d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ in wait_for_element_visible
return page_actions.wait_for_element_visible(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

driver = < (session="ce29172d0187540becf446734c035f44")>, selector = '.r-tabs-tab a', by = 'css selector', timeout = 6

def wait_for_element_visible(driver, selector, by=By.CSS_SELECTOR,
Searches for the specified element by the given selector. Returns the
element object if the element is present and visible on the page.
Raises an exception if the element does not appear in the
specified timeout.
driver - the webdriver object (required)
selector - the locator for identifying the page element (required)
by - the type of selector being used (Default: By.CSS_SELECTOR)
timeout - the time to wait for elements in seconds

A web element object
element = None
start_ms = time.time() * 1000.0
stop_ms = start_ms + (timeout * 1000.0)
for x in range(int(timeout * 10)):
element = driver.find_element(by=by, value=selector)
if element.is_displayed():
return element
element = None
raise Exception()
except Exception:
now_ms = time.time() * 1000.0
if now_ms >= stop_ms:
plural = "s"
if timeout == 1:
plural = ""
if not element and by != By.LINK_TEXT:
> raise ElementNotVisibleException(
"Element {%s} was not visible after %s second%s!" % (
selector, timeout, plural))
E selenium.common.exceptions.ElementNotVisibleException: Message: Element {.r-tabs-tab a} was not visible after 6 seconds!

d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ ElementNotVisibleException
Failed test/ 19.18
[gw0] win32 -- Python 3.8.2 d:\python\python.exe

self = <test.test_investorpage.investorPage_test testMethod=testCardListing_widgetCardsCheck>

> ???

D:\Auto Projects\BWE\BWEScripts_v2\test\
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ in assert_element
self.wait_for_element_visible(selector, by=by, timeout=timeout)
d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ in wait_for_element_visible
return page_actions.wait_for_element_visible(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

driver = < (session="f740d0e32644aa1e9ffde9195be0653b")>, selector = '#stock-information ~.row .my-2', by = 'css selector', timeout = 6

def wait_for_element_visible(driver, selector, by=By.CSS_SELECTOR,
Searches for the specified element by the given selector. Returns the
element object if the element is present and visible on the page.
Raises an exception if the element does not appear in the
specified timeout.
driver - the webdriver object (required)
selector - the locator for identifying the page element (required)
by - the type of selector being used (Default: By.CSS_SELECTOR)
timeout - the time to wait for elements in seconds

A web element object
element = None
start_ms = time.time() * 1000.0
stop_ms = start_ms + (timeout * 1000.0)
for x in range(int(timeout * 10)):
element = driver.find_element(by=by, value=selector)
if element.is_displayed():
return element
element = None
raise Exception()
except Exception:
now_ms = time.time() * 1000.0
if now_ms >= stop_ms:
plural = "s"
if timeout == 1:
plural = ""
if not element and by != By.LINK_TEXT:
> raise ElementNotVisibleException(
"Element {%s} was not visible after %s second%s!" % (
selector, timeout, plural))
E selenium.common.exceptions.ElementNotVisibleException: Message: Element {#stock-information ~.row .my-2} was not visible after 6 seconds!

d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ ElementNotVisibleException
Failed test/ 23.73
[gw2] win32 -- Python 3.8.2 d:\python\python.exe

self = <test.test_investorpage.investorPage_test testMethod=testCardListing_widgetTitleDescCheck>

> ???

D:\Auto Projects\BWE\BWEScripts_v2\test\
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ in assert_element
self.wait_for_element_visible(selector, by=by, timeout=timeout)
d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ in wait_for_element_visible
return page_actions.wait_for_element_visible(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

driver = < (session="934fd228f8569aaaa034aad29bf3c6a4")>, selector = '#stock-information', by = 'css selector', timeout = 6

def wait_for_element_visible(driver, selector, by=By.CSS_SELECTOR,
Searches for the specified element by the given selector. Returns the
element object if the element is present and visible on the page.
Raises an exception if the element does not appear in the
specified timeout.
driver - the webdriver object (required)
selector - the locator for identifying the page element (required)
by - the type of selector being used (Default: By.CSS_SELECTOR)
timeout - the time to wait for elements in seconds

A web element object
element = None
start_ms = time.time() * 1000.0
stop_ms = start_ms + (timeout * 1000.0)
for x in range(int(timeout * 10)):
element = driver.find_element(by=by, value=selector)
if element.is_displayed():
return element
element = None
raise Exception()
except Exception:
now_ms = time.time() * 1000.0
if now_ms >= stop_ms:
plural = "s"
if timeout == 1:
plural = ""
if not element and by != By.LINK_TEXT:
> raise ElementNotVisibleException(
"Element {%s} was not visible after %s second%s!" % (
selector, timeout, plural))
E selenium.common.exceptions.ElementNotVisibleException: Message: Element {#stock-information} was not visible after 6 seconds!

d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ ElementNotVisibleException
Failed test/ 19.09
[gw4] win32 -- Python 3.8.2 d:\python\python.exe

self = <test.test_investorpage.investorPage_test testMethod=testCardListing_widgetTitleIsAnchor>

> ???

D:\Auto Projects\BWE\BWEScripts_v2\test\
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

self = <test.test_investorpage.investorPage_test testMethod=testCardListing_widgetTitleIsAnchor>, selector = '#stock-information', property = 'id', by = 'css selector', timeout = 6

def get_property_value(self, selector, property, by=By.CSS_SELECTOR,
""" Returns the property value of a page element's computed style.
opacity = self.get_property_value("html body a", "opacity")
self.assertTrue(float(opacity) > 0, "Element not visible!") """
if not timeout:
timeout = settings.SMALL_TIMEOUT
if self.timeout_multiplier and timeout == settings.SMALL_TIMEOUT:
timeout = self.__get_new_timeout(timeout)
selector, by = self.__recalculate_selector(selector, by)
> page_actions.wait_for_element_present(
self.driver, selector, by, timeout)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

driver = < (session="b4c172bf559ea8587d12f2ff65c318f4")>, selector = '#stock-information', by = 'css selector', timeout = 6

def wait_for_element_present(driver, selector, by=By.CSS_SELECTOR,
Searches for the specified element by the given selector. Returns the
element object if the element is present on the page. The element can be
invisible. Raises an exception if the element does not appear in the
specified timeout.
driver - the webdriver object
selector - the locator for identifying the page element (required)
by - the type of selector being used (Default: By.CSS_SELECTOR)
timeout - the time to wait for elements in seconds
A web element object
element = None
start_ms = time.time() * 1000.0
stop_ms = start_ms + (timeout * 1000.0)
for x in range(int(timeout * 10)):
element = driver.find_element(by=by, value=selector)
return element
except Exception:
now_ms = time.time() * 1000.0
if now_ms >= stop_ms:
plural = "s"
if timeout == 1:
plural = ""
if not element:
> raise NoSuchElementException(
"Element {%s} was not present after %s second%s!" % (
selector, timeout, plural))
E selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: Element {#stock-information} was not present after 6 seconds!

d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ NoSuchElementException

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

self = <test.test_investorpage.investorPage_test testMethod=testCardListing_widgetTitleIsAnchor>

> ???
E Exception: BWE_L10_CardListing - Widget Title not found!

D:\Auto Projects\BWE\BWEScripts_v2\test\ Exception
Failed test/ 15.37
[gw1] win32 -- Python 3.8.2 d:\python\python.exe

self = <test.test_investorpage.investorPage_test testMethod=testGatewayCard_titleCheck>

> ???
E AssertionError: assert '' == '_blank'
E + _blank

D:\Auto Projects\BWE\BWEScripts_v2\test\ AssertionError
Failed test/ 18.61
[gw3] win32 -- Python 3.8.2 d:\python\python.exe

self = <test.test_investorpage.investorPage_test testMethod=testGatewayCard_cardCheck>

> ???

D:\Auto Projects\BWE\BWEScripts_v2\test\
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ in assert_element
self.wait_for_element_visible(selector, by=by, timeout=timeout)
d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ in wait_for_element_visible
return page_actions.wait_for_element_visible(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

driver = < (session="08b6441fa99619226e9559e062d7d519")>, selector = '.col-lg-4 .block-download-custom__see-more a', by = 'css selector', timeout = 6

def wait_for_element_visible(driver, selector, by=By.CSS_SELECTOR,
Searches for the specified element by the given selector. Returns the
element object if the element is present and visible on the page.
Raises an exception if the element does not appear in the
specified timeout.
driver - the webdriver object (required)
selector - the locator for identifying the page element (required)
by - the type of selector being used (Default: By.CSS_SELECTOR)
timeout - the time to wait for elements in seconds

A web element object
element = None
start_ms = time.time() * 1000.0
stop_ms = start_ms + (timeout * 1000.0)
for x in range(int(timeout * 10)):
element = driver.find_element(by=by, value=selector)
if element.is_displayed():
return element
element = None
raise Exception()
except Exception:
now_ms = time.time() * 1000.0
if now_ms >= stop_ms:
plural = "s"
if timeout == 1:
plural = ""
if not element and by != By.LINK_TEXT:
> raise ElementNotVisibleException(
"Element {%s} was not visible after %s second%s!" % (
selector, timeout, plural))
E selenium.common.exceptions.ElementNotVisibleException: Message: Element {.col-lg-4 .block-download-custom__see-more a} was not visible after 6 seconds!

d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ ElementNotVisibleException
Failed test/ 21.90
[gw0] win32 -- Python 3.8.2 d:\python\python.exe

self = <test.test_mediapage.meidaPage_test testMethod=testCardListing_basic>

> ???

D:\Auto Projects\BWE\BWEScripts_v2\test\
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ in assert_element
self.wait_for_element_visible(selector, by=by, timeout=timeout)
d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ in wait_for_element_visible
return page_actions.wait_for_element_visible(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

driver = < (session="5013bb0cd423dad438770672c764accf")>, selector = '#stock-information', by = 'css selector', timeout = 6

def wait_for_element_visible(driver, selector, by=By.CSS_SELECTOR,
Searches for the specified element by the given selector. Returns the
element object if the element is present and visible on the page.
Raises an exception if the element does not appear in the
specified timeout.
driver - the webdriver object (required)
selector - the locator for identifying the page element (required)
by - the type of selector being used (Default: By.CSS_SELECTOR)
timeout - the time to wait for elements in seconds

A web element object
element = None
start_ms = time.time() * 1000.0
stop_ms = start_ms + (timeout * 1000.0)
for x in range(int(timeout * 10)):
element = driver.find_element(by=by, value=selector)
if element.is_displayed():
return element
element = None
raise Exception()
except Exception:
now_ms = time.time() * 1000.0
if now_ms >= stop_ms:
plural = "s"
if timeout == 1:
plural = ""
if not element and by != By.LINK_TEXT:
> raise ElementNotVisibleException(
"Element {%s} was not visible after %s second%s!" % (
selector, timeout, plural))
E selenium.common.exceptions.ElementNotVisibleException: Message: Element {#stock-information} was not visible after 6 seconds!

d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ ElementNotVisibleException
Failed test/ 21.56
[gw4] win32 -- Python 3.8.2 d:\python\python.exe

self = <test.test_mediapage.meidaPage_test testMethod=testFeaturedPressRelease_basic>

> ???

D:\Auto Projects\BWE\BWEScripts_v2\test\
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ in assert_element
self.wait_for_element_visible(selector, by=by, timeout=timeout)
d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ in wait_for_element_visible
return page_actions.wait_for_element_visible(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

driver = < (session="f8b375f03d5ece29248ff74c6d5d277c")>, selector = '#press-release a', by = 'css selector', timeout = 6

def wait_for_element_visible(driver, selector, by=By.CSS_SELECTOR,
Searches for the specified element by the given selector. Returns the
element object if the element is present and visible on the page.
Raises an exception if the element does not appear in the
specified timeout.
driver - the webdriver object (required)
selector - the locator for identifying the page element (required)
by - the type of selector being used (Default: By.CSS_SELECTOR)
timeout - the time to wait for elements in seconds

A web element object
element = None
start_ms = time.time() * 1000.0
stop_ms = start_ms + (timeout * 1000.0)
for x in range(int(timeout * 10)):
element = driver.find_element(by=by, value=selector)
if element.is_displayed():
return element
element = None
raise Exception()
except Exception:
now_ms = time.time() * 1000.0
if now_ms >= stop_ms:
plural = "s"
if timeout == 1:
plural = ""
if not element and by != By.LINK_TEXT:
> raise ElementNotVisibleException(
"Element {%s} was not visible after %s second%s!" % (
selector, timeout, plural))
E selenium.common.exceptions.ElementNotVisibleException: Message: Element {#press-release a} was not visible after 6 seconds!

d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ ElementNotVisibleException
Failed test/ 21.65
[gw4] win32 -- Python 3.8.2 d:\python\python.exe

self = <test.test_mediapage.meidaPage_test testMethod=testPressReleaseListing_basic>

> ???

D:\Auto Projects\BWE\BWEScripts_v2\test\
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ in assert_element
self.wait_for_element_visible(selector, by=by, timeout=timeout)
d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ in wait_for_element_visible
return page_actions.wait_for_element_visible(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

driver = < (session="af9c64ec8cdc8d8bc4e520684493bb96")>, selector = '.tab-calendar-control ul li', by = 'css selector', timeout = 6

def wait_for_element_visible(driver, selector, by=By.CSS_SELECTOR,
Searches for the specified element by the given selector. Returns the
element object if the element is present and visible on the page.
Raises an exception if the element does not appear in the
specified timeout.
driver - the webdriver object (required)
selector - the locator for identifying the page element (required)
by - the type of selector being used (Default: By.CSS_SELECTOR)
timeout - the time to wait for elements in seconds

A web element object
element = None
start_ms = time.time() * 1000.0
stop_ms = start_ms + (timeout * 1000.0)
for x in range(int(timeout * 10)):
element = driver.find_element(by=by, value=selector)
if element.is_displayed():
return element
element = None
raise Exception()
except Exception:
now_ms = time.time() * 1000.0
if now_ms >= stop_ms:
plural = "s"
if timeout == 1:
plural = ""
if not element and by != By.LINK_TEXT:
> raise ElementNotVisibleException(
"Element {%s} was not visible after %s second%s!" % (
selector, timeout, plural))
E selenium.common.exceptions.ElementNotVisibleException: Message: Element {.tab-calendar-control ul li} was not visible after 6 seconds!

d:\python\lib\site-packages\seleniumbase\fixtures\ ElementNotVisibleException
Passed test/ 11.42
No log output captured.
Passed test/ 11.57
No log output captured.
Passed test/ 11.58
No log output captured.
Passed test/ 12.82
No log output captured.
Passed test/ 10.37
No log output captured.
Passed test/ 24.43
No log output captured.
Passed test/ 13.04
No log output captured.
Passed test/ 16.28
No log output captured.
Passed test/ 18.21
No log output captured.
Passed test/ 16.91
No log output captured.
Passed test/ 19.61
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------
Tab title: Dussafu Active description for tab Dussafu Tab title: Maromba Active description for tab Maromba Tab title: Kudu Active description for tab Kudu
Passed test/ 24.46
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------
Tab title: Dussafu Active image for tab Dussafu Tab title: Maromba Active image for tab Maromba Tab title: Kudu Active image for tab Kudu
Passed test/ 16.15
No log output captured.
Passed test/ 19.06
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------
View All Press Releases
Passed test/ 21.64
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------
View All Reports & Presentations
Passed test/ 16.03
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------
Tortue Phase 2 Producing As Expected _self Dussafu – Tortue Phase 2 First Oil _self
Passed test/ 16.79
No log output captured.
Passed test/ 7.31
No log output captured.
Passed test/ 11.23
No log output captured.
Passed test/ 11.02
No log output captured.
Passed test/ 42.49
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------
gabon brazil namibia
Passed test/ 11.33
No log output captured.
Passed test/ 13.10
No log output captured.
Passed test/ 19.16
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------
Dussafu – Tortue Phase 2 First Oil Dussafu – Tortue Phase 2 First Oil
Passed test/ 15.02
No log output captured.
Passed test/ 13.63
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------
Passed test/ 14.44
No log output captured.
Passed test/ 14.92
No log output captured.
Passed test/ 7.39
No log output captured.
Passed test/ 24.69
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------
BWE_L10_CardListing - Widget Title not found!
Passed test/ 14.30
No log output captured.
Passed test/ 14.31
No log output captured.
Passed test/ 24.08
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------
BWE_L13_FeaturedPressRelease - Widget Title not found!
Passed test/ 24.45
------------------------------Captured stdout call------------------------------
BWE_L13_FeaturedPressRelease - Widget Title not found!